Christian Articles

Interesting Facts


The Bible was written by about 40 men who engaged in writing it during a period of about 1600 years dating from 1500 B.C. to about 100 years after Christ.

These men wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 1:21.

They wrote not in words of human wisdom but in words taught by the Holy Ghost. 1 Corinthians 2:13.

The first translation of an English Bible was initiated by John Wycliffe and completed by John Purvey in 1388. The Bible was translated into chapters by Stephen Langton about 1228.

The Old Testament was divided into verses by R. Nathan in 1448 and the New Testament by Robert Stephanus in 1551. 

The Bible, divided into chapters and verses first appeared in the Geneva Bible of 1560.



Books in the Bible 66

The Old Testament 39

The New Testament 27

Middle Book of Old Testament Proverbs

Middle Book of New Testament 2 Thessalonians



Bible 1189

Old Testament 929

New Testament 260

Middle Chapter of Old Testament Job 29

Middle Chapter of New Testament Romans 13

Middle and shortest chapter of the Bible Psalm 117

Longest Chapter of the Bible Psalm 119



Old Testament 23,214

New Testament 7,959

Middle Verse in the Old Testament 2 Chronicles 20:17

Middle verse in the New Testament Acts 17:17

Shortest verse of the Old Testament 1 Chronicles 1:25

Shortest verse in the New Testament John 11:35

Longest verse in the Bible Esther 8:9



In the Old Testament c. 592,439

In the New Testament c. 181,253


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