Search UECF Website


United Evangelical Christian Fellowship Church (UECF), New Jersey, USA is a Non Denominational Indian Christian Church attended by Telugu(తెలుగు) Christians in USA. We welcome everyone to come, worship and be Blessed! 

UECF ministers to the spiritual needs within the congregation, the community and the world at large. We meet every
Sunday evening at 4:30 PM for an inspiring Praise and Worship Service and sermons based on solid Biblical teachings with Holy Communion (on 4th Sunday of every month). We have adult Bible studies, Programs for Sunday school children and Youth. Our outreach work includes monthly old age home visits, gospel tract distribution and supporting various missions in India and other countries. UECF.NET is a popular Christian website and a gateway to Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Gujarati, Hindi and English Christian Songs, Audio Bible in various languages, Daily Devotions and other useful Bible resources. UECF seeks to minister to spiritual and temporal needs within the congregation, the community, and the world at large, consistent with standards of biblical teaching.
Address: First United Methodist Church,  1 East Broad StreetWestfield, NJ-07090 (For GPS: 130 Ferris Place, Westfield, NJ)  Email:         
PHOTOS   CHRISTMAS Pictures & Videos   Thanksgiving Service Pictures  PICNIC Pictures   Fathers Day Pictures   Mothers Day Pictures  EASTER Pictures   Good Friday Pictures    Watch Night/ New Year Eve Pictures
Recently added Videos  Testimonies  Messages by Guest Preachers  Rev. Dr. David Ravinder Messages  Rev. Joseph Theophilus Messages  Special Songs by UECF Choir  Special Songs by Solo and other Singers/ Groups  Children/Youth Songs/Skits  Popular Videos  Other Videos 

UECF General Body Meeting will be held on Sunday, Feb 23rd, 2025 @ 3.00PM.
Rev. Dr. David Ravinder will bring the Word of God on Feb 23rd, 2025.
UECF.NET Archives from 2002 to 2013(Please select the Year and the highlighted Date)
Telugu Audio Bible     Hindi Audio Bible     Audio Bible in other Languages
Homage to Dr. Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy by Bro. Joshua(Phani) Pilli, UECF(Video)
Pictures of Dr. Y. S. Rjasekhara Reddy's Memorial Service by American Telugu Organizations
Yesu Prema  G. Jairaj & Party 
Yobu Charitra G. Jairaj & Party
Dhanavanthudu Beeda Lazaru G. Jairaj & Party
Daveedu Vijayam  G. Jairaj & Party
Daaveedu Simhaasanam G. Jairaj & Party
Bhaktha Yohanu G. Jairaj & Party


Yosebu Charitra Nanchariah, Kanaka Raju, Chinna Nanchariah
Daaveedu Charitra Nanchariah, Kanaka Raju, Chinna Nanchariah
Moshe Charitra Luke Babu Rao Master, Gorrela Ramu, Gorrela Krishna
Poola Gampa Luke Babu Rao Master, Gorrela Ramu, Gorrela Krishna
Samsonu Delilah B. Kanthamma, K. Nageswara Rao, K. Arjuna Rao
Telugu Christian Padyaalu Pastor Gottipati Yesudas
UECF.NET is a popular Christian website and a gateway to Telugu Christian Songs, Andhra Christian Songs, Andhra Khristhava Keerthanalu, Indian, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, English Christian Audio Songs, Daily Devotions and other useful Bible resources.


UECF_15th Anniversary
Lutheran Missionaries, Landmarks and Legacies
Address: UECF
1 East Broad Street, 
Westfield, NJ-07090 
(For GPS: 130 Ferris Place, Westfield, NJ)

Sunday Worship: 4:30 PM
Sunday School: 4:30 PM

Bible Study: Every Month 2nd Friday at 8:00 PM
Men & Women's Prayer Meeting: Every Month 4th Friday at 8:00 PM
Fellowship Snacks/ Meal follows the Sunday Service Fellowship Roster
Regular Old Age Home Visits and Outreach Tracts and Jesus Movie DVDs distribution on regular basis with prior notice in the Church
Holy Communion will be administered every month 4th Sunday



India Time
Lyrics of Telugu Christian Songs 
Andhra Christian Songs
Zion/ Seeyonu Songs
Visvavaani Radio Songs
Hindi Christian Songs 
English Worship Songs 
Tamil Christian Songs
Kannada Christian songs 
Malayalam Christian Songs
Gujarati Christian Songs
Video Songs
Audio/ Video Messages
Audio/ Video Testimonies
Telugu Audio Bible
Hindi Audio Bible 


Aradana TV
Subhavaartha TV
Rakshana TV
Velugu TV
Miiraclenet TV


Our Daily Bread
Oswald Chambers
Back to the Bible
Charles Spurgeon
Streams in the desert


Telugu Bible(Original Text) 
Telugu Bible
English Bible
Hindi Bible
Kannada Bible
Malayalam Bible
Marathi Bible
Tamil Bible
Audio English Bible


Bakht Singh 
Charles Spurgeon
D L Moody
Jonathan Edwards
Charles Finney
George Whitefield

Sis. Grace Tsappidi Books

UECF Souvenir

Mr. Alfred Bhaskar

Rev. Samuel Schimitthenner
Mrs. Dayamani Kalyanapu Funeral
Late. Mrs. Mary & Mr. Velet Bethala  
CSITCNY online Obituaries
Dr. Kanthaiah Kuraguntla
Rev. G. John